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Sanitary Napkin and Tampon Dispenser - 0468-F - Free Operation - Recessed

Sanitary Napkin and Tampon Dispenser - 0468-F - Free Operation - Recessed
Our Price: $382.00

Availability:: Please call for Lead Time
Product Code: ASI-0468-F


Dispenses 30 napkins and 27 tampons. Doors are held closed with two (2) tumbler locks. Internal coin-box is keyed differently than door locks. Dispensing mechanisms are fastener mounted internally to provide ability to change mechanisms for coinage denomination. Weights for each feed track are supplied.

Universal coin mechanism allows for 25˘, 50˘ and free (no coin) operation. Choose appropriate suffix (-25, -50 or –F).

  • 0468-25 – allows for 25˘ operation
  • 0468-50 – allows for 50˘ operation
  • 0468-F – allows Free (no coin) operation

Technical Data Sheet

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